Art Dealer Diaries Podcast

Susan Lyon: Fine Artist - Epi. 331, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Mark Sublette Season 1 Episode 331

I had Susan Lyon on the podcast today. What a joyful person she is. I had never met Susan, but I'm very familiar with her work and her husband Scott Burdick's work and we had a great time. We talked about her life and how she got where she is today as an artist.

We speak about how she found her voice not only as an artist, but as a teacher. Which she does through her own website and through Patreon, which she feels is as much her calling as the art. So people can hear those types of things that she teaches and does, and then you can take that and go and see and learn and even sign up for classes so you can work with a master.

And she is a master and her drawings are amazing. We talk about a show that I'm doing, which is called Masters of Drawing that opens on February 15, 2025. She's a part of that show and it was fun just to discuss everything that goes into her drawings. 

So I had a great time. I think anyone who listens or watches this will realize what an immense gift that Susan Lyon is to the world of art.