Art Dealer Diaries Podcast

Oreland C. Joe (Diné/Ute): World-Renowned Artist - Epi. 336, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Mark Sublette Season 1 Episode 336

Oreland Joe came by my gallery today. He's such an interesting individual. I've always admired his sculptures and his paintings. He’s also a silversmith and his son Bo Joe (who I interviewed on episodes 249 and 250), is a master silversmith himself.

He's gone through a lot of different things in his life and is still just pushing forward creatively. He’s currently working on a commission that's coming up in Durango, which is a massive mural for a hospital, as well as working on a film about a prolific ancestor, Yellow Nose, a warrior who captured the seventh cavalry flag on June 25th of 1876 at the Battle of Little Bighorn. 

There's history thrown in with creativity and how he got to where he is today and what he's working on. So it's a really interesting, unique take on life, and he shares it with us. I am very happy he did and I’m even happier I get to share it with you.

This is Oreland Joe on episode 336 of the Art Dealer Diaries Podcast.